19th Annual Beloved Community Symposium

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19th Annual Building the Beloved Community Symposium

The 2024 Beloved Community Symposium will feature keynote addresses by Dr. Christina Edmondson and special guest Dr. Woody Register. Dr. Edmondson is an anti-racist advocate, educator, and author. Dr. Register directs the Roberson Project on Slavery, Race, and Reconciliation at the University of the South.



6:00 pm Keynote Address "Deceiving the Beloved Community" by Christina Edmondson, President's Dining Room at University Center, Mercer

7:00 pm Banquet and discussion to follow (RSVP required for meal)



8:30 am Prayer Breakfast, Centenary Church's Fellowship Hall, 1185 Ash Street (RSVP required for meal)

10:10 am Talk by Woody Register "Repairing for Justice: How Sewanee's Roberson Project Is Building Partnerships with the Descendants of the People Its Episcopal Founders Enslaved," President's Dining Room at University Center, Mercer

11:15 am Panel Discussion, Churches and Schools Seeking Repair and Justice, President's Dining Room at University Center, Mercer

12:15 pm Lunch and Keynote Address "Healing the Beloved Community" by Christina Edmondson, President's Dining Room at University Center, Mercer (RSVP required for meal)

All the symposium events are free and open to the public. 


For more information on the history of the Building the Beloved Community Symposium, click here.